Proposal writing and project planning


Date : 22 June 23 June, 2022

Workshop Series Objectives

  • To enhance the research capacity skills of postgraduate students and young researchers through writing of bankable research proposals.

Teaching methodology

  1. Problem identification and statement
  2. Research needs assessment (including tools such as PRA and other participatory tools for determining what people’s needs and problems are)
  3. Developing research questions
  4. Rationale for the project (including a literature review citing research that the project is building on what has been learned in the past)
  5. Goals and objectives (including tools such as the logic model, results-oriented project planning, and project outcomes mapping, as well as SMART objectives; the goals will also include how the project can be sustainable beyond the initial project funding)
  6. Project activities (including tools such as log frames)
  7. Developing a research plan; data management
  8. Sources of data
  9. Budgeting for research studies
  10. Maintaining rigorous, unbiased data collection
  11. Project work plan and timeframe (including GANTT charts)
  12. Budget development
  13. Project monitoring and evaluation plan
  14. Project Management Plan and Institutional Capability
  15. Appendices (what to include in Appendices)

Language: English

Type of training: in-person with practical demonstrations and exercises

Target Audience: Data managers, Doctoral and Postdoctoral candidates, monitoring and evaluation officers, research stuff.

Applications are now closed 

The course is facilitated by the Biomedical Research and Training Institute (BRTI) with funding from NIH-D43 (TW 011326) HIV Training Grant.